
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Comrades Marathon for Starfish, 2008

Much to my surprise I found myself attempting a repeat of the Comrades Marathon this year.
According to my friend Peter Boyd we were not complete with this task until we had run the race in both directions. It alternates direction every year. It is also apparent that my arm can be twisted rather easily. I entered on May 5th, the last day of entry, and on June 17th we lined up in Durban for the grueling 56 mile (87km this year) run to Pietermaritzburg, climbing 7000 feet and descending 5000 feet in the process.

The run was tougher than last year due to my lower fitness. It was a long, hot, and towards the end a painful day, but it was very rewarding. We ran for Starfish again and this time I carried a small disposable camera with me. The attached picture is of Pete with some of the Starfish children. The children are residents at Starfish’s home for AIDS orphans at Cato Ridge (about 60km in to the 87km route). They were outside their home watching the race as it passed directly by; but started jumping around and shouting much more vigorously whenever they spotted anyone running with a bright orange sweatband (that’s what Starfish gave their runners as a ‘marker’).

It was a great immediate connection between us as the sponsored runners and the beneficiaries of the money – I hope it gives a small sense outside the main info on the starfish website of how grateful they are for all our fundraising support.

We were also well supported by family and friends. Thank you everyone!

For more on Starfish and the Comrades see last years post here:

or their respective websites here: Starfish and Comrades

After your run relax and take in some more of the country on a trip with Roar Africa.

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