
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Helping Zimbabweans with Peter Godwin and Eco Africa Social Ventures

Eco Africa Social Ventures is a U.S. based Non Profit corporation founded by Janice Ashby whose mission is to uplift the daily lives of artists, crafting artisans and their families in Zimbabwe who are struggling under extreme hardships owing to the economic catastrophe that has overtaken their country.

Roar Africa and partner lodges are donating a luxury safari to help families survive the food emergency. The safari includes 3 nights at Singita Pamushana Lodge in Zimbabwe, 3 nights at Steenberg Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa, and 4 nights at Londo Lodge, Pemba Island, Mozambique. The safari will be donated at an event held at the home of Leila Straus on Park Avenue West, New York on November 12th.

Peter Godwin, the acclaimed author of "When a Crocodile Eats the Sun", will be at the event for a special reading and book signing. A magnificent photograph "The Dancing Wildebeest" by Chris Dei will also be auctioned at the event.

If you would like to attend please email for an invitation. You can also email for a copy of the luxury safari worth $14,000.

You can help by referring others to this posting/invitation or by a direct donation through Pay Pal to Eco Africa Social Ventures.

News Reports on the Zimbabwe Crisis: New York Times, BBC
Peter Godwin: NY Magazine, New York Times, Vanity Fair

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