
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

There's a Baboon in our car.

Whilst touring Cape Town, South Africa, Anthony Micari was quicker with his video camera than he was with the window. A large Chacma Baboon decided to hop into the vehicle, steal the candy and then do some light reading. Apparently the documents were of little interest and without much ado Geoff Calmeyer of Roar Africa retrieved them. Thank you for sharing the video Anthony.

Baboons are notorious opportunists. The Chacma Baboon or Cape Baboon (Papio ursinus) troops on the Cape peninsula are particularly sneaky. They are the only protected population of this species in Africa and they have been living with people for hundreds of years. They move out of the way of joggers and cyclists but get crafty when food is involved. Rolling up the windows is recommended. Should something happen remaining calm and nonthreatening as in this clip is important.

See our other post "Of chewing gum and baboon theives..."
National Geographic: Baboon "Gangs" Run Wild in Suburban South Africa
Cape Peninsula Baboon Research Unit

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