
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Most Outrageous Hotel Concierge Requests - Travel + Leisure

There's a fun article in Travel + Leisure about some of the most outrageous concierge requests received. Many of the surprising requests were met. One request submitted by Roar Africa was a little tricky to fulfill:

Douglas Rogers writes:
Not every outrageous demand can be met. Deborah Calmeyer of the New York–based Roar Africa travel company recalls an American client at Lions Sands safari lodge in South Africa. “He wanted the staff to place an engagement ring on a string around the neck of a male lion and parade the animal into the lodge towards his future wife. They had to explain to him that perhaps this wasn’t a very good idea.”

It seems there are people who don't realize that their safari is not in Disney World.

Click here for the article online in Travel + Leisure.


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