
Sunday, March 28, 2010


After numerous clients of ROAR AFRICA have shown great interest in elephants, having heard about their plight and or after inter-reacting with elephants, we have decided to spread the word on collaring elephants by Save the Elephant Organization.
Heated debates based on fact, assumptions and emotion take place around the world concerning elephants, their numbers and the sale of ivory. Facts based on sound scientific results become essential.
Save the Elephants ( operates in four countries in Africa. Greater Kruger National Park is the principle area in Southern Africa. Save the Elephants is based in the Timbervati area near the town of Hoedspruit.
One is able to follow what is being done by going onto the webpage. But better still is to become involved by sponsoring or joint sponsoring the collaring of an elephant with your name on it. Through Google Earth your can follow your elephant hour by hour while the device records humidity and temperature on the elephant’s neck.
Below are the collar sponsoring details and options.
  • Please note that in the table below you have ten types of sponsoring options to choose from.
  • Most satellite collars are deployed at our Northern or Eastern Study sites in the Kruger National Park as these elephants could potentially move into Zimbabwe or Mozambique where cell phone reception would be a problem.
  • Elephants collared in the Associated Private Nature Reserved (APNR), which represents our Western Study Site are fitted with GPS/GMS collars (cell phone collars)
  • If you sponsor collars you get to name the elephant
  • All sponsors of GPS/GMS collars as well as collar deployment costs receive a Google Earth link where they can follow their collared elephant as it moves across the landscape
  • Sponsors of deployment costs only, can attend a collaring operation free of charge but will have to cover their own travel and accommodation costs if need be.
  • Your contribution will be acknowledged on our website
  • Your name will be added to our Elephant Newsletter distribution list
  • Orders for collars need to be made at least one month in advance
  • We prefer collaring elephants during our cooler months as the heat risk for the elephants are diminished over this time
  • We prefer to collar more than one animal on one day so we often like to synchronise collaring operations
  • Please remember that you can only sponsor a refurbished collar if we plan on removing an existing collar from a particular animal
  • Please note that helicopter costs depend on the hours spent locating the animal and represent estimates only
  • All prices are subject to change
click table image to enlarge
For further details contact Geoff:
Tel: +27 72 3479904 or +27 33 2510673
or on

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