
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Heart warming credit to South Africa, Shari Cohen, The Huffington Post

I was very proud to read The Huffington Post article by Shari Cohen; "South Africa Rolls Out the Ubuntu in Abundance". It's wonderful to see the spirit of South Africa appreciated and having such a deep impact on a self-described cynic. It's also reassuring to know that we can teach the world something. Please read the full post on their website here. I have copied a few touching quotes below.

"To say that I have been blown away at the hospitality South Africa has shown the rest of the world would be an understatement."

"The questions and conversations are in earnest. They are honest. And they are had with enthusiasm and a thirst to know more. South Africans are drinking deeply from the cup of humanity that has been brought to their doorstep."

"I'm a little teary just writing this because I leave for home next weekend and I will be leaving a little piece of myself here in South Africa. I just hope I have learned enough to bring back a little piece of Ubuntu to my homeland."

"Thank you South Africa, for giving me this unexpected gift. I am humbled. "


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