
Monday, November 7, 2011

Lion Cub Rescue: Mugie, Kenya

Thankfully it seems to be all about rescues this past week: rhino, elephant and now a lion cub.
This just in from Mugie Conservacy in Kenya:
"This little 3 week old cub was first seen 3 days ago marooned on a small island in the river bed below the Mugie dam (been flooding for over a week now), but was described a being 3 months old or more, we waited to see if the floods would subside and if mum would appear. Today, I sent Papa 1 & Frank to wade into the river to get close enough to throw pieces of meat on to the Island and hopefully it could survive for while longer whilst we would be monitoring what might happen. But when they got close they could see how much younger it is and went on to the island and picked him up & brought him in. Ol Jogi have all necessary to rear such a little creature so they sent a plane over and he is now receiving rehrydrents over there."
There is of course debate about interference with wildlife - man should not meddle. However, many people are of the opinion that where man has created a survival problem interference is warranted (especially snares, fences etc..). Since Mugie is one of the core study areas of the ‘Laikipia Predator Project, a research study aimed at improving the conservation of large carnivores throughout Africa (desperately needed we might add), a lion rescue is perhaps appropriate and they are also uniquely qualified to act.
Hopefully this little one can be reintroduced to the wild in time.

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