
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Leopards on the deck!

This summer (winter in South Africa) our guests, the Lobdell family, woke up to something incredible while on safari - leopard cubs who had decided that the veranda couches were more comfortable than the trees.  Their mother had killed a Bushbuck and dragged it under the deck. For the next couple of days the leopards made that their dining room and the deck their playground.

The Lobdells' were staying at Singita Ebony lodge in the Sabi Sand Reserve (near Kruger Park, South Africa).  It turns out that this mother leopard was a familiar sight neat the lodge.  She probably understood that it was a safer place than most to leave her cubs.

Being able to share the excitement of our guests' experiences is a true privilege and we are thankful for the photographs and stories.

click to enlarge...

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