
Friday, July 31, 2009

Lions battle Buffalo at Tintswalo Lodge

Just two nights ago 9 lions attacked a large buffalo bull right at the lodge. This image was taken by Lee Dicks (lodge GM) from the lodge deck where I enjoyed a more peaceful cocktail just a week ago. The lions took on the largest male buffalo in the herd in an attempted kill. Their offensive lasted about an hour of wave after wave of attacks.

Battle from lodge deck, Lee Dicks, Tintswalo lodge

"Eventually the big boy managed to drag himself into the waterhole - the Lion’s obviously didn’t want an evening swim and accepted their defeat." Tintswalo

Here is a photograph of the more tranquil deck. It's a good reminder that you are not so much "on safari" as "in safari". Amazing wildlife experiences, both large and small, happen all around you.

The Tintswalo Deck looking tranquil

Tintswalo Safari Lodge is located within the Manyeleti Private Game reserve which borders Kruger National Park. With only two commercially operated lodges, a maximum of 8 safari vehicles traverse the reserve. Each vehicle therefore has the equivalent of 2937 hectares to itself. Tintswalo Safari suites and lodge are all situated along a beautiful seasonal river bed among an ancient sycamore tree grove.

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