
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Uthando (Love) South Africa - In Action photographs

James Fernie from Uthando sent us a few photographs taken recently and showing how donated funds are being put to use in the townships around Cape Town. Uthando distributed 15 badly needed cots to various day care centers in Khayelitsha, Gugulethu and Phillipi. Herewith a few of the pictures to show just one way that a small donation on your trip with Roar Africa can help local communities.

James helping to put it all together.

A small donation goes a long way here.

For more about donating to or visiting with Uthando while on your trip see our other posts here and here or just give us a call on 1 877 ROAR AFR.

Uthando (Love) South Africa is a non-profit Roar Africa supports. Their mission is to raise funds to support a broad range of grass roots, community based, sustainable, innovative and empowerment projects with substantial and enduring value to the most destitute and marginalized communities in South Africa.

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